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What another pic of Ville de lyon clematis!!

What another pic of Ville de lyon clematis!!

was looking (starring aimlessly) at this today and something happened!!!!????, so will blog that tomorrow , you'll not want to miss it he said cryptically ; )

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definitely worth this picture ~ its lovely

so what was it that happened?? a large spider appeared?? a frog jumped up? or a flower opened as you watched?

27 May, 2012


or where they singing and dancing? lol

27 May, 2012


i hope you will do youtube stevie if its singing and dancing!!

27 May, 2012


something ; )

27 May, 2012


no clues then stevie?

27 May, 2012


oh Stevie - just one clue, please....

27 May, 2012


One clue 'gravity' no cheating now ; )

27 May, 2012


hmmm - like you went outside and had to rush back home to take shower to get something out of your hair???? lol

27 May, 2012


how can we cheat??

well something must have fallen down???

............not the trellis????

27 May, 2012


:)))) Something fell "as usual"?

27 May, 2012

27 May, 2012



27 May, 2012


dont tell me an emu fell off your roof???

27 May, 2012


i reckon a baby bird fell off the roof???

27 May, 2012


oh no!

27 May, 2012


but i reckon stevie caught it ~ what do you think pix??

27 May, 2012


Im not sure..strange to show that thing about Rod..I never liked him mind. maybe its a red herring! Omg Stevied get up and tell us what happeend

27 May, 2012


we have to wait till tomorrow he said ~ but it is tomorrow now!!!!!

27 May, 2012


I know! Phone him ! hahahaha I dare you!

27 May, 2012



27 May, 2012


the Monmouthshire telephone book doesnt seem to have Stevie the Terrible!!!???

28 May, 2012


Oh lol i thought you might have had hos phone number! lol..oh well i'm off to bed now i hope i can sleep ..i'll worry about that all ngith now! ;)

28 May, 2012


Yes ok there was an 'EMU' on my roof!! : /
(just a quick question, whats more likely a thing to be on the roof, and EMU! ooorrrrr a tv aerial??)

28 May, 2012


The ariel came off?!

28 May, 2012


Hahaha Ooops!

28 May, 2012


I didnt say that ; )

28 May, 2012


OOh okkkkkkkkkkkkkk...os what happened man! Jaysus I've been wakeend half the ngith worrying about it! lol

28 May, 2012


Something came out of the sky or off the roof?

Is it going to be a Daffy story? Cos that was brilliant! No pressure stevie!

28 May, 2012


Maybe Stevie went up on the roof to fix HIS arial and fell on it!!!!!!!

28 May, 2012


I might be more worried if he wasn't commenting himself!

28 May, 2012


hmmm time for breakfast before doing a blog ; )

28 May, 2012



28 May, 2012


is that a long leisurely breakfast?

28 May, 2012


Ok Ok , pics of my new pet Emu are now on ; ) lol
Pixi, my screen isnt big enough to cope with your moodyness ; )

28 May, 2012


i have a large screen on the computer and the rRRRRRRs are going outside of that too!!!

pet Emu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

28 May, 2012


Notice no typos, when angry ; ) rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

28 May, 2012


so is it best to type in anger??

28 May, 2012


You mean my moodiness? hmm? lol
will go look at your pet now ;)
Yes ST as long as you dont look back!

28 May, 2012



28 May, 2012


;))))) Great blog Stevie did..its wonderful..he isnt that terrible after all is he?

28 May, 2012


more like Saint Terrible??? or St Stevie [cousin to St Francis?]

do you think St Francis rode a Royal Enfield too???

28 May, 2012


No I see him on Triumph Bonneville actually :)

28 May, 2012


nice!! is that what rik has?

28 May, 2012


Thanks folks, couldn't have been a saint if he had had an Enfield as he would have spent half his time fixing it instead of being all saintly and stuff

28 May, 2012


But he was italian so maybe an early MV, moto guzzi or Ducati

28 May, 2012


well maybe he didnt swear when it went wrong!!!!??

but perhaps you dont either.?

but he could get to his patients quicker than walking??

28 May, 2012


moto guzzi ~ does that mean it is gutsy with the petrol and guzzles it up??

28 May, 2012


No lol he doesnt have a blike now..but an old b/f of mine did..I loved being on it...wheeeeeeee!

28 May, 2012


sounds great fun!!

28 May, 2012


It was but he was a rat lol

28 May, 2012


oh no.

28 May, 2012


A great big one!

28 May, 2012


So what fell out of the air..... or do we have to wait until tomorrow ladies?

28 May, 2012


Stevie has a blog on Londa :))

28 May, 2012


this one linda

28 May, 2012

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This photo is of "Big Trellis 2012" in Stevietheterrible's garden

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