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Daylily "Tang"

Daylily "Tang"

My darkest DIP. Appears black in real life.

Comments on this photo


Very nice - looks much like Smith Brothers.

2 Jun, 2012


But Smith Brothers is a TET, and this is a DIP. I have 2 almost black DIPs: this one and Fata Morgana; then I have 2 TETs: Night Whispers and Caribbean Midnight Vespers, which is in the mail & I should get it Monday or Tuesday.

2 Jun, 2012


I like this colour! Sometimes Smith Brothers has a fine white border when it is a cool day or rainy weather! :)

2 Jun, 2012


This is a beauty....

2 Jun, 2012


Although this is described as being oxblood red, it is looking blacker than that.

4 Jun, 2012


Love it, not sure what you guys are all talking about, but I love it.

22 Jul, 2012


DIP and TET refers to chromosomes. There are 2 types of daylilies: Diploid has 22 chromosomes and Tetraploids have 44. The two types will never cross with the other. The proper names are named daylilies, and the easiest way to follow is to open a second tab to Tinkers Garden ( and search for the varieties there. It has pictures, parentage and offspring, also habits to see what to expect.

23 Jul, 2012


Thanks, I just know what I like, and I like this....

25 Jul, 2012

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