Meconopsis betonicifolia
By Fractal_cat
- 7 Jun, 2012
OK, it isn't yer normal, everyday meconposis.
But you have to admit the colour is super...
I am delighted with this. I bought it last year and it has flourished this.
It brightens up a dark corner.
Comments on this photo
Tried to cultivate these with great care, but have now changed my tack and just tossed a packet of seeds down to do their thing - it might work!!!
8 Jun, 2012
Lol Meanie. My attempt to seed them indoors failed miserably and have decided to try the same thing. Fingers Xed for both of us :)
8 Jun, 2012
I didn't know they seeded readily. That is good news.
I use a similar tactic for seeds, meanie.
I will try to get a better photo as soon as I can. This was the first to open, but as you can see there are lots of buds yet to be.
Now, if only the rain would stop..!
9 Jun, 2012
I'm hoping that they will seed readily!
Trying to grow them carefully fails for me - after a spell in the fridge a handful out of a packet germinate. They grow on up to various point, but always die on me.
9 Jun, 2012
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love it!
8 Jun, 2012