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Shasta Daisy Leucanthemum x superbum Highland White Dream


By Marion1

Shasta Daisy Leucanthemum x superbum Highland White Dream

Upright Herbaceous Perennial with dark green glossy leaves and white semi-double daisy like flowers with yellow centres, it flowers throughout Summer and Autumn. Deciduous and clump forming.

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You are a gem Marion, I acquired this last year and now you have given it a name, so thankyou very much, I can now add to my plant list, mind you its going a bit mad so some has got to be moved, lol...

19 Jun, 2012


Oh I love this, it has got to be one of my favourites in the garden, it flowers for ages and ages and unlike other white flowers they dont get tinged brown, it kind of just stands there tall and proud saying look at me!!! I have planted this one in my dark part of the garden and it so brightens up a gloomy spot, I have also planted it in full afternoon sun, but that one always seems to struggle....

19 Jun, 2012



Thanks for drawing my attention to this daisy - it will definitely find a place in my garden.


21 Jun, 2012

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This photo is of "Shasta Daisy Highland Dream" in Marion1's garden

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