Macrodactylus subspinosis~~Beetles Pic # legs!
By Lori

22 Jun, 2012
These aren't JB's. They are Rose chafers...Macrodactylus subspinosis... They like the Oenothera best, then the clems...hope they don't find my rose.
Comments on this photo
they emerge from the soil and mate...then lay eggs and the larvae go back into the soil and they are dormant during the cold time...only to emerge at this time next summer...the natural cycle is two to five years (I think) and that means that it must be the peak of the cycle this season...hopefully fewer next year.
22 Jun, 2012
Why do we have to have these things I ask myself.
22 Jun, 2012
life certainly would be easier without them! I say the same thing about the blood sucking, welt leaving bites from the Horse and Deer flies so common in the summer here in the forest... poor wild creatures beset by these things. I've developed an allergy to their saliva(?) and every bite swells and is very painful.
22 Jun, 2012
Oh dear, thats not nice.
22 Jun, 2012
Sorry...I dont mean i like the creature...Just the pic
22 Jun, 2012
'so kay, Motinot. Just stuck the camera lense under a leaf and clicked the shutter...shudder...didn't want to get too's bad enough picking the things off the plants.
22 Jun, 2012
They look like they can do some serious eating of plant leaves.
10 Jul, 2012
They were quite voracious, D1... they've peaked now...and the Oenothera and Mullien are a-buzz with honey bees. To everything there is a season...thankfully the rose chafers don't last much longer than anything else. But at the time I was worried that they'd defoliate the whole plant.
Any moisture for your garden yet? I'm doing a raindance for my garden, so I'll throw in a good word for San Diego!
16 Jul, 2012
I would be very concerned about them eating all my plants, also.
No real moisture for my garden. Former hurricane Fabio's moisture was suppose to give some's all gone north to the Los Angeles Area.
19 Jul, 2012
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Horrible little things arent they
22 Jun, 2012