The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Daphne 'Wilhelm Schacht' 1 year cutting

Daphne 'Wilhelm Schacht' 1 year cutting (Daphne x rollsdorfii)

This one was planted in the ground as a small cutting and then dug up this Spring so I could take it with me. It grew quite a bit in one year since it was in the ground and not potted the whole time.

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When did you move.

22 Jun, 2012


I'm still working on it, I am hoping to be completely moved by mid-July.

22 Jun, 2012


thats mind boggling do you have two properties!

23 Jun, 2012


The house I am moving into is empty so I have been trying to move my plants over. I'd move them all at once but still have to get the fence built. If I planted them all now, the deer would come in and demolish everything. I have plants on two properties right now but it won't be that way for long.

24 Jun, 2012


I understand.

24 Jun, 2012


I saw on your profile that you have a slightly acid clay soil, do you grow your daphnes in the ground or in pots?

24 Jun, 2012

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This photo is of "Daphne x rollsdorfii 'Wilhelm Schacht'" in Rkwright's garden

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