The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

12 Cerinthe


By Phs

12 Cerinthe

Not a good photo but the cerinthe looks great next to the orange of the wallflower.

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Two great purple & orange, Phs...:>)

26 Jun, 2012


Cerinthe looks great anywhere!!!

My C.palestina are just setting flower buds.

26 Jun, 2012


Motinot, I started to introduce orange when I suddenly realised most of my plants were pink and purple! I hadn't even realised.

Meanie, Is C.palestina a variety of cerinthe?

I got my seed originally from Sarah Raven (I refer to her in my head as that mad women) who has lovely plants and seeds, but I find her website too expensive. 12 seeds cost me the earth, however, having bought them once you can always collect lots of seed at the end of the season.

27 Jun, 2012



27 Jun, 2012


Meanie, the C.palestina is a real beauty. I must try and get it to add to my garden. I love all the nice things I am finding on this site and all the useful information which is freely shared!

29 Jun, 2012


Thanks Phs! Can't promise, but if you pm me in September I may have seed.............

30 Jun, 2012


It's blooming!

4 Jul, 2012

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