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plans for the baby bath.........

plans for the baby bath.........

I am thinking this may make a nice mini water feature. Ideas would be very welcome.....

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put some water in?

sorry, couldnt resist; actually im very interested cos i am thinking of making one myself

maybe some rocks so the smaller creatures can climb out??

2 Jul, 2012


I Used one almost identical during last winter as a bathing pool for the Beatrix Potter Ducks if you look back to the blog you will see it is Painted and now has a miniature water lily in it as well as the duck ,It would not be difficult to add a solar water feature,you could not use anything to large as the water would splash and evaporate.
There are plenty to be had on e bay.

2 Jul, 2012


do the solar water features work brian?

morrisons have water lilies ~ £5 each!!!

2 Jul, 2012


they were in boxes, which i found hard to understand, you couldnt see in the box so im not quite sure what to expect, they had white and yellow.

2 Jul, 2012


did you see this

that water lily is now out!!

2 Jul, 2012


Ladies where do i start.
Water lilies will have to be Miniature Miniature called Pygmaea anything else miles to large.Doubt if that is what Morrison's have.
Sticki yes if they get Sun.Lol.
Ones which charge a battery are best as they store power the £ 5.00 ones stop when the sun goes in.
Sheila you don't Have the Right Blog the one with the Geranium is a totally different feature.

2 Jul, 2012


not much sun here so not so good for me then

2 Jul, 2012


I like the idea of water, I was wondering around the rocks already mentioned if Turquoise or Colbolt blue glass chipping would work?

2 Jul, 2012


How about something like this on a small basis.....

Can't wait to see what you do with it!

:D x

2 Jul, 2012


Ah I remember a thing like that my mother used for washing clothes many years ago. It ended up in the garden with house leeks planted in it lol. Yes I think it would make a nice water feature :o)

2 Jul, 2012


....or succulents...alpines..pebbles.....Just an idea other than water...:>)

2 Jul, 2012


I have a solar fountain, which works when the sun is out! Got to be careful the wind doesn't blow the water that's fountaining out of the pot!
It's very pretty.....

3 Jul, 2012


I was thinking of a solar water feature.

3 Jul, 2012


Easy to find, most water worlds GC do them...Dobby's etc.
Lets hope the sun shines though!

4 Jul, 2012


Loads of idea for you HB I cant wait to see the finished article....

7 Jul, 2012


Will look forward to the finished article Hb...:>)

8 Jul, 2012

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