By Rkwright
- 5 Jul, 2012
- 1 like
This is my almost finished daphne bed. I am going to add more pea gravel on top when my landscape supply place gets some more in. The daphnes are (top: left to right) Daphne 'Rosy Wave' and Daphne x napolitana 'Meon'. From bottom left to right: Daphne x susannae 'Lawrence Crocker', Daphne x rollsdorfii 'Wilhelm Schacht' and Daphne x napolitana 'Stasek' (part of it is cut out of pic).
Comments on this photo
Thanks, I just hope the heat doesn't kill them! I've been impressed with 'Stasek' this season, the plant in the picture has shoots with half gold leaves and half green. If I can get a cutting, it might be an interesting new plant. If you ever see 'Rosy Wave' it's a great daphne. It's a cross between Daphne x burkwoodii 'Somerset' and Daphne collina and is about indestructible for a daphne.
5 Jul, 2012
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5 Jul, 2012