flower lady ornament
By Franl155

5 Jul, 2012
Found this at the local charity shop. I did think of painting it, but I'd probably have made a mess of it. Maybe I can take an impression and make my own, which I can experiment on.
Comments on this photo
smiles, plain and simple is usually better.
I varnished her just to be on the safe side, double layer on the base. I did think about gluing a bit of wood to the base to hold her off the ground, and might yet; want to see how she bears up.
lol amazing what you can find in charity shops!
5 Jul, 2012
She looks sweet. I also like it without paintig. Stone colours looks perfectly with green.
Fran, what does it mean charity shop? How does it work, please?
11 Aug, 2012
They raise money for charity - people donate clothes, books, and other things that they don't want any more, and the shop sells them to raise money for their good cause - most charities have such shops. The shops are usually empty shops, lent to the charities for free, or a nominal rent.
In America I think they're called Thrift Shops, not sure what they're called anywhere else.
found an entry in Wiki for it
11 Aug, 2012
Thank you :)) Here (SK) they would raise taxes even on charity shops, I am afraid.
12 Aug, 2012
very nice...i like looking and finding little things in charity shops....
17 Oct, 2013
lol Jane, I bought about six items, but this is the only one I wanted to keep when I got home. the rest went back into the bag for the next time I passed the shop. (I tell a lie, I kept my little Worzel Gummidge scarecrow as well)
My problem is, when I give stuff to charity shops, I daren't go into the shop for a while after - I'll see something and think, that'll go with the one I have at home, and when I get backI find out that it WAS the one I had at home!
17 Oct, 2013
:-)))) oh dear!!
18 Oct, 2013
*s* I did buy some items back until I realised, now I either aviod the shop for a while or try to remember htat if it looks familiar, there's probably a reason!
18 Oct, 2013
:-))) now there's a good thought...
18 Oct, 2013
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i like her just like that with no paint! amongst the plants she looks lovely
5 Jul, 2012