By Tasteyg
- 28 Jun, 2008
Comments on this photo
This photo was taken at the San Francisco Botanical Gardens. I do have one that sprouted on it's own out front though :)
1 Jul, 2008
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7 Feb, 2008
Herb Seed Lemon Grass
£2.99 at Suttons Seeds -
Garlic Lautrec Wight
£4.75 at Unwins -
Sprouting Seed Fenugreek
£1.49 at Unwins -
Speedy Veg Seed Mustard
£1.49 at Suttons Seeds -
Elephant Garlic
£8.95 at Unwins
My borage was destroyed by our recent septic tank dig. I tried to replace it, but none of the greenhouses carried it this year.
1 Jul, 2008