Tabitha's Profile

About me
We have 5 acres that are wooded on about 2.5 acres. The woods contain many jack-in-the-pulpits, trillium, ferns, meadow rue, false solomon, little mystery lillies, mayapple, and poison ivy (of course). We have blackberry, red raspberry, and boysenberry canes and a mulberry tree. Many varieties of fungus too.
I have several flower gardens, an herb garden, and a large vegetable garden with raspberries and strawberries, a pear tree and a sour cherry tree. My area in Michigan is Zone 5, although my flowers always seem to lag behind the growing season because of the woods.
Most of my flower gardens are shady to partly sunny. I have one that is entirely shade with dappled sun at the midday. The hill behind our house is wild, mostly. It is the only area that gets full sun.
This hill was destroyed this winter when we dug up our septic system. I have started to plant more on this area.
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Joined in Jun 2008
Country: United States
State: Michigan