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Plumeria rubra 'Celadine' - Celadine Plumeria

Plumeria rubra 'Celadine' - Celadine Plumeria (Plumeria rubra 'Celadine' - Celadine Plumeria)

Many GoY members love plumeria trees. I am posting several photos of plumerias grown in San Diego, CA. Photo taken July 18, 2012.

Comments on this photo


I love the shape and size of this one!

19 Jul, 2012


This pic doesn't begin to show the large circumference of this tree. It wasn't in full bloom yet, which was surprising!

19 Jul, 2012


It looks beautiful!

19 Jul, 2012


Yes, it does...especially with its large, symmetrical circumference. It was most likely around 15ft/4.6m tall.

19 Jul, 2012

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Pictures by Delonix1
4177 of 6678

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