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Dierama pulcherrimum - 2012


By Andrewr

Dierama pulcherrimum - 2012 (Dierama pulcherrimum)

Not sure of the variety - it's supposed to have dark flowers but they are a very pale pink

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Still waiting for ours to flower, I think we might be waiting some time!! what conditions are they supposed to like?

24 Jul, 2012


DD - ideally, it's sun and a soil that's not bone dry. Having said that, this one is in full sun but the soil is not very moist; I also have one in part shade that seems quite happy.

25 Jul, 2012


Right, obviously flower when they feel like it then?

25 Jul, 2012


I think this is one that can be tricky. I've read somewhere it likes to have its corms at a certain depth and will adjust them and only flower when they are right

25 Jul, 2012


very pretty flowers

31 Jul, 2012

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