The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Aquilegia (9.6.12.), the story of a seed

Aquilegia (9.6.12.), the story of a seed

V.poor photo but amusing story: because I love these I cadged some seed of a single, very dark blue (NOT violet) one from a neighbour before leaving Norfolk. Stuck it in a neglected, dry, storm-battered herb garden, nothing happened for 4 years, suddenly this is the result! Ain't nature wonderful!

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Now that is what I call a dedicated Gardener, have been so patient..I would have forgotten it was there,after four years !..very nice,and yes,nature is ace :o)

28 Jul, 2012


I'm not Denise, but thank you for your comment!

28 Jul, 2012


So sorry,Monjardinira..your pic followed on from some from Denise..just seen my mistake on having a look at comments,and realised it was the wrong member!...comment would have been the same anyway :o))

28 Jul, 2012


OK Bloomer, no problems and thanks again! Nadia is my actual name if wished but as I'm retired in France now (from Norfolk) I chose the French for 'mygarden'+the initials of my village as the user one! So MJ will do!

28 Jul, 2012


Thank you,MJ..that is much easier ! Lol...I see your French translation now,but it would probably not have registered ,without you telling me.....and Nadia is a lovely name too ..nice to meet you :o)

28 Jul, 2012


thanks, 'Bloomer' (I think it's Sandra, am I right?) I love this gardening site and its friendly people, I've got a flower garden I know nothing about but in which things keep popping up, only a few of which I've put in myself. After 4 years of ignoring it from necessity (had to spend what time I could on veg) I'm learning to garden again (2 strokes, quite boring, but luckily thanks to French healthcare less than fatal!) Have gone from suburban Norwich clay garden, East Anglian climate, to granite and ericaceous hillside in parching sun! A steep learning curve but I'm enjoying it as best i can! Nice to meet you, too! :o)

28 Jul, 2012


yes,Sandra is right..I'm glad you are enjoying this site..and it's as much a social thing as well as gardening..just brilliant..Sorry to hear about your two strokes,MJ..but so good you have had excellent health care..and you are enjoying the challenge of your garden..just one step at a time ,eh ? ..the best way to be..

When we are retired we have all the time in the no need to rushing days are over too..:o)
Look forward to seeing your progress,and I'm just going to look at your pics and profile now..take care,and happy gardening :o)

29 Jul, 2012

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