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Daphne 'Carol Mackie'

Daphne 'Carol Mackie'

Carol Mackie isn't known for producing flowers on summer growth the way some of the others do but I usually see quite a few after they bloom in Spring.

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I like the varigated foliage Arkwright :o)))

1 Aug, 2012


Me too! I like the flowers on it too, the first time I saw one of these daphnes it was a large one covered in flowers and I could smell it from about a hundred yards away. My Silveredge and Gold Dust daphnes are really growing well right now too, the variegation on those two are even brighter than this one!

1 Aug, 2012

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This photo is of "Daphne x burkwoodii 'Carol Mackie'" in Rkwright's garden

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