By Alexandramou

3 Aug, 2012
....with couch weed....out one day, back the next!
Comments on this photo
Me too!!!! I was in the garden pulling out weeds for two hours yesterday evening. Only cleared out one section. My two fingers on my left hand are a little swollen, some stupid weed with thorns got me when I was pulling it out.
8 Aug, 2012
I hope your fingers feel better soon! I need to spray and weed whack. However, it's been too HOT! Tomorrow we may be under excessive heat warnings...possibly a very, very humid 100ºF/38ºC or hotter...I hope not hotter!
8 Aug, 2012
Fingers all better.
I pull the weeds out from the garden after 7:30 in the evening.!
It's been 40C and more here lately, same for tomorrow. The good thing is that's it cools down at night.
Stay cool. ;o)))
8 Aug, 2012
Good to hear your fingers are all better! :>)
Yes, I do a lot of my watering after 6 or 6:30 p.m. The sun sets earlier than where you live. It has to do with latitude.
I saw the latitude for Kerkyra, Greece is 39.6°...San Diego is at 32°.
I'm trying to stay cool. I was in a friend's swimming pool until 10:30 tonight....and for the last 3 or 4 nights.
9 Aug, 2012
Oh good for you......that's the way to enjoy the summers!
We are due for some rain and cool they say.
Fingers crossed.
9 Aug, 2012
My house was so hot today I actually felt ill! (can't use the a/c because of the heatwave is putting a strain on the energy use here in CA. and it's expensive) I had to go and spend another night in the pool. lol! :>)
I think you'll be having the hot weather through November, just like us.
10 Aug, 2012
Lol......I think you just want another night at your friends pool. ;o))))))))))
A/C very expensive here too.
The news on tv forecast rain and thunder for most of Northern Greece. Just checked the net.....nope, no rain for us.
That would be great, warm weather through November!!!
You never know, I remember six year ago....I only wore a coat one day the whole winter. That was fantastic!
10 Aug, 2012
Yes, definitely another night at the pool....most likely for the next 3 or 4 more nights until our weather gets back to normal. Actually, the hot, humid weather is more typical, it's just we've had cooler than normal comfortable weather the last two summers.
So, no rain for now...just continued hot weather for you.
The weather right along the California coast is the hottest from late summer - fall. In summer, it's perfect to escape to, and cool down.
The past winter was unusually warm and dry (even for San Diego). Maybe you'll get a warm winter because you had such cold weather last winter.
11 Aug, 2012
Ohhhh, I would absolutely hate another winter like the last!!!
Cool sunny days are what I want for winter and a few rainy days to relax. ;o)
13 Aug, 2012
I'm thinking of winter as I sit in this sweltering heat of my house. The a/c is not strong enough to bring the temp inside to the house lower than 87ºF/30.6ºC. ... so I turned it off! (and we suffer!!!!) :>( I do have all 6 fans running, though.
14 Aug, 2012
That's how I feel at the moment!
I'm dealing really well with the heat this year. ;o)))
Last summer....I really suffered.
lol....maybe because we had such a cold winter I'm still warming up...;o)))))
15 Aug, 2012
Yes, I know the feeling so well! Everyone around is complaining about this we've never had one before. LOL! :>)
I think the worst is the very high humidity we've been experiencing. We're used to the muggy weather...but not Miami weather. It's suppose to last for maybe another couple of weeks! YUCK!!! :>(
16 Aug, 2012
Corfu is a very damp island.....we wake up to mornings that look like it's rained sometimes. It's not the humid weather of hair don't frizz here. lol
Yes...we do the same, we complain like we've never had heatwaves before...;o))))))
16 Aug, 2012
I can imagine how humid it is there. Generally, islands tend to be very humid (being surrounded by water and all) lol!
16 Aug, 2012
You got it!!!
18 Aug, 2012
For most of the year we tend to be pretty humid or muggy...maybe not as much as there, though. Late summer or fall is when Santa Ana Wind season starts...that means extremely hot temps with very low humidity down to 10 percent or sometimes lower. Everyone dries out like a prune. lol! :>) Many plants hate this weather!
19 Aug, 2012
Your Santa Ana winds are like our Ostria. Ostria gives us headaches and sand everywhere. Then again strong Maestro and we have sand everywhere too.....from our beach not from Arica.
21 Aug, 2012
I think it's similar.
Here's a website that list the name of winds in the world. It's very interesting.
It lists the Ostria and Maestro Winds
It also list the Diablo Winds (N. Cal) and Santa Ana Winds (S. Cal) which are pretty much the same. It also explains the Sundowner winds in the Santa Barbara area.
The three named winds have cause countless biliions of dollars in property damage (and deaths) over the years. They can cause the huge firestorms you may have seen on the news. This is why we get very nervous around late Sept - Dec.
21 Aug, 2012
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I know that feeling. I hate weeds! lol!
7 Aug, 2012