Lilium 'African Queen'. Beautiful scent on this one!
By Karensusan63

6 Aug, 2012
A tall lily with a beautiful elegant form and rich apricot/ burnt orange colour. I bought three and sadly only one has been successful, but nevertheless, worth doing I think. We'll see if it survives the winter after being planted in the ground later on (it's in a pot at the moment).
Comments on this photo
Yes, thanks. I love the colour on the back of the petals as well and the scent is really wonderful. I fancied this for a few years and finally got around to giving it a go.
6 Aug, 2012
I like it coming off the Choisya....
6 Aug, 2012
Gorgeous. And the scent must be wonderful.
7 Aug, 2012
16 Aug, 2012
The flowers are very easily scorched. It needs shade.
16 Aug, 2012
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Very that colour.
6 Aug, 2012