Iris seedlings
By Anchorman

26 Aug, 2012
I planted these iris seeds on 07.07.12. One month later when this photo was taken many have already germinated( the tallest are about 4 - 5 cm high) and I shall ,very soon, pot on the bigger ones into 7cm pots .Tthey are very easy seeds to handle as they're one centimetre across and very robust. I just pushed the seeds lightly into the damp compost and kept them in a sunny spot with the compost kept just damp not soaking wet.They self seed freely.
I would expect these seedlings to be about 30-40 cm tall next year and flower the following year
This is the iris from which I took the seeds.
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Comments on this photo
Your little seedlings look lovely and healthy .Do all Irises seed and grow easily Alan ? A friend brought me two pieces of root over last week because I had seen them in his garden and like them ,one is called ' Before the Storm ' and is almost black ,the other is called Dynamite ( deep red ) I will have to wait until they flower another year to see if they have seed ......
29 Aug, 2012
I don't know whether all irises grow well from seed,Amy. I shall certainly be keeping my eyes open because several of my customers have flag irises so if I can grow them from seed that would be great. They do seem to take at least two years to flower when grown from seed ,whereas divided rhizomes often flower the following year
I noticed that the yellow flag iris had self seeded easily so i collected a few pods last year ,kept them in a cool dry shed over winter and planted them a few weeks ago.
Virtually every seed I planted has sprouted and I now have about 100 growing away in large plugs or 7cm pots.
29 Aug, 2012
Golly you have done well ,you will have to sit in a lay by with those ,Have you been to that Iris place on the A17 near that farm shop I wonder if a place like that would be willing to take your spares to sell , or doesn't it work like that ? I will try it next year after mine have finished flowering ......
30 Aug, 2012
I have been to that place Amy and produced a blog on it on GOY
Here it is
The ones i'm growing from seed are the basic yellow flag iris which will grow either in a pond or in open ground so i doubt they'd be interested.
If i can get some seeds of fancier varieties maybe they would buy them. I guess they won't come to type though so they wouldn't be expensive named varieties
30 Aug, 2012
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They wouldn't sprout for me Anchorman.
26 Aug, 2012