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Anemone (anemone)

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How pretty and statuesque too..\0/

7 Oct, 2012


Thank you Flori I like the colour of this especially against the brick wall... :-)

8 Oct, 2012


Very pretty,Richard..I've never grown these..are they mainly an autumn plant,or do they flower in winter too?
I haven't really planned what to buy for colour yet ..only done some daffs and crocus so far...

8 Oct, 2012


Thank you for your comments Bloomer. They are summer plants ..this was an older picture. I bought the bulbs in ;-)

8 Oct, 2012


I love the colour of this pretty little flower;0)

8 Oct, 2012


Ah well,that solves that problem,Richard..I won't go looking for these..thanks anyway :o)

8 Oct, 2012


Haha Yes thanks PP they look good ..even though I say so ;-)

You are welcome Bloomer my friend..:-)

8 Oct, 2012


It looks a perfect flower Richard

12 Oct, 2012


Thanks Pam it is a nice coloured one :-)

12 Oct, 2012

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