Another favorite combo, behind the birdbath. Don't get back there very often, too
By Flcrazy

2 Jul, 2008
Comments on this photo
Luckily I have only walked up on garter snakes and black snakes so far this year, but we also have copperheads in the area that are very poisonous, so I'm not so quick to go running in there.!
2 Jul, 2008
That would frighten the life out of me , you would never get me in the garden
2 Jul, 2008
Glad I only have slugs and snails to worry about Flcrazy
2 Jul, 2008
and dangerous caterpillars janette lol
2 Jul, 2008
OOOOH! we only get grass snakes and slow worms here! I don't fancy poisonous ones at all....
2 Jul, 2008
Is there a funny story I'm missing out on about dangerous caterpillars, Irish and Janette... come on, share with me !
2 Jul, 2008
lol a caterpiller attacked janette the other week, she has a photo of it on her homepage
2 Jul, 2008
Well I'll definitely have to go and check it out Irish.. lol.
2 Jul, 2008
Oohh snakes, I'd be terrified and like Amy says I'd never go out into my garden.
3 Jul, 2008
Glorious ! I'm starting to run out of adjectives and I'm only up to July ! lol
30 Aug, 2009
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Oooh! What sort of snakes? are they dangerous ones?
2 Jul, 2008