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Hoya australis - Wax Vine

Hoya australis - Wax Vine (Hoya australis (Porcelain Flower))

This Wax Vine native to eastern Australia has very large round leaves. This one had a lot of flowers spikes (the most I've ever seen) in the Botanical Building, Balboa Park, San Diego, CA. Photo taken Nov. 13, 2012.

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Very nice! They're hibernating for the winter here.

29 Nov, 2012



I've seen that photo before. It's very interesting.

29 Nov, 2012



Thanks! I guess they need more sun (there) to continue to bloom through winter.

29 Nov, 2012


They needed more sun in the summer, let alone the winter!

29 Nov, 2012


Were they outside during summer? outside is the best place for them to get sun. lol! :>)

30 Nov, 2012


Indoors, where they bloomed well enough. Would have been no good outdoors this "summer"!

30 Nov, 2012


Maybe a south-facing location outdoors would be good for it during summer.

1 Dec, 2012


I have two so I'll try that with one next year.

2 Dec, 2012


Yes, it likes a lot of sun.

3 Dec, 2012

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