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Platan Tree Alley.

Platan Tree Alley.

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Are they 'plane' trees kat?

1 Dec, 2012


Platan/plane tree/sycamore...

1 Dec, 2012


There are lots of them in london, sometimes called the 'london plane' it was the bark i recognised, their leaves are huge and rather lovely in autumn

1 Dec, 2012


That´s the English name for the sort able to grow in urban conditions. Gardeners know it here mostly as Platan hispanica or another one, Eastern platan (P. orientalis), which comes originally from the SE Europe. I read now, that there is also one sort, which is dying out, an evergreen platan, P. kerrii. This one is I found connected with the legend of "Europe and Zeus".

2 Dec, 2012


You find the most amazing things katarina! An evergreen version would be lovely, what a shame it's dying out.

2 Dec, 2012


Good things die, bad weed ye perish :)) That´s old Slovak saying. Sticki, if you have in cinemas film "Cloud atlas" go and see it. I saw it yesterday and in some moments I had impression I see pieces from my own life. As the film says, everything is connected. Unfortunately, nothing about platans :)) Just it came to my mind.

2 Dec, 2012


oh thanks for that kat, i would like to see that, i picked up the book several times but couldnt get into it, even though i wanted to! maybe the film will be easier to understand?

just reading the girl with the dragon tattoo

2 Dec, 2012


I see. I have heard about that book, but didn´t read it yet. For sure the film will be easier version then book :))

2 Dec, 2012

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