The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Megaskepasma erythrochlamys - Brazilian Red Cloak

Megaskepasma erythrochlamys - Brazilian Red Cloak  (Megaskepasma erythrochlamys - Brazilian Red Cloak)

The Brazilian Red Cloak reminds me so much of Christmas. It blooms from early fall - early winter. Some plants in full sun will bloom all year here in San Diego, CA. Photo taken on Thanksgiving (Nov. 22, 2012)

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Very pretty shrub. What would the spread & height be?

6 Dec, 2012



6 Dec, 2012


megaskepasma reminds me a greekword?
megalo skepasma / alexandra mou?
very beautiful delonix

6 Dec, 2012



It can grow to 16ft (5m) tall with a 12ft (3.7m) spread; however, it can be kept much smaller.

6 Dec, 2012



Thanks! I have many plants throughout the yard.

6 Dec, 2012



Most likely it was derived from Greek. Many of the Latin Botanical names have their roots from Greek.

6 Dec, 2012



6 Dec, 2012


''my big fat greek wedding'' hahahahaha

7 Dec, 2012


Oh... come on!!! It is a "justicia vermelha" :P
stop giving it greek names... ;)

It can grows the size of your house if you don't keep one eye on it :)

7 Dec, 2012


Alexandramou; Bik:

Thanks for the Greek lessons! :>)

7 Dec, 2012



It still goes by the botanical name (here in the U.S): Megaskepasma erythrochlamys; although, I've seen it seems to be reclassified into Justicia-vermelha.

I noticed it's still in Wikipedia as Megaskepasma, and the photo is of a plant that's in the Botanical Building in Balboa Park, San Diego, CA. (it's not the nicest plant, though).

It's true, it can quickly become a very large shrub! I cut my plants back every early spring. I generally make cutting plants and sell them...which is super easy.

7 Dec, 2012

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Pictures by Delonix1
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This photo is of species Megaskepasma erythrochlamys - Brazilian Red Cloak.

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