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HGC flower

HGC flower

Close-up of one of the flowers just opening. I'll be able to figure out the variety once I see the flowers age a bit but I do know it is part of the gold collection.

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What is HGC, please?

29 Dec, 2012


Look like its a Niagara Helliborus or also known as a Laten Rose.

30 Dec, 2012


It's a lenten rose from the Helleborus Gold Collection. It was tagged as a pink variety but opened white.

2 Jan, 2013


Perhaps it will be like one of mine changes colour shame if it does nt , I would return it if it did nt selling you a wrong plant, my son use to work in a nursery and said if they can't shift a certain variety the boss said to label them with ones that will sell so wrong labling, so hence best to buy while in flower you know what your getting then.

2 Jan, 2013


This was in the ground last year, I'll have to see if I can find a picture because I thought it was pink when it flowered last year. I used to work at a retail nursery but some of our plants were labeled wrong because the wholesalers sent wrong tags or if the people tagging them weren't on the sales staff. Hard to buy a lenten rose in flower, the nurseries here close by the end of October and don't open until Spring.

4 Jan, 2013


You ll have to keep an eye out to see if it turns colour, yes like I said the nurseries place wrong labels to get rid of stock that don't sell so good.

5 Jan, 2013


It was pink last year when it was growing outdoors so I think the true color is pink. I used to work for the nursery I got it from so I know it wasn't purposely tagged wrong but I do know of nurseries that would try it.

8 Jan, 2013


Might be the weather then lets hope it goes to pink, yes I know garden centres too that would change labels.

9 Jan, 2013

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