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Amaryllis White with red veining in living room window 04-01-2013 001


By Balcony

Amaryllis White with red veining in living room window 04-01-2013 001 (Amaryllis)

Amaryllis: White with red veining in living room window first of the New Year!

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I have just planted mine in a pot... its just beginning to grow.... i had this colour one last year.... very nice...

9 Jan, 2013


Nice to know that, Holly. :-)) This is one of my own collection of a least 50 seedlings I've been growing on for about 7 years now. I have 3 different ones in bloom at the present moment in our living room. There is another, pure red, about to open its 1st flower of 2013 on the kitchen windowsill.

9 Jan, 2013


ive never grown one from seed, but am going to try and save the bulb this time for next year...

13 Jan, 2013


That's good Holly! :-)) They really are very simple to look after! When the flower has died cut them off & let the stem died back & remove it once it goes yellow.

You should water the bulb with some tomato/rose fertilizer each week for a few months. Just make sure no water remains in the saucer as these bulbs have thick, fleshy roots that rot easily. They much prefer to be on the dry side than wet. Keep your bulb in a sunny place till the end of summer then reduce watering in August & stop altogether in September. The leaves should start to die back but even if they don't it's best not to give them any more water till you notice a flower bud just peeking out of the neck of the bulb. That could be December or January. When you see it start to give it a little water again but no fertilizer. In about 6 weeks the bud will open into a flower again!

14 Jan, 2013


Thank you Balcony.... I will certainly give it a go...

14 Jan, 2013

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