apples on tree
By Joannie

3 Jul, 2008
This apple tre is about 13 years old and we brought it with us when we moved house 10 years ago. The most apples we've ever had is about 8 and I was all for digging it up this year. However our neighbours willow tree that's been overshadowing it was dug out at the end of last year and we've got dozens of apples now! Thank goodness I was persuaded to give it one more year :-D
Comments on this photo
I've never heard of eating apples with salt on Flcrazy, I don't think I'll be trying that idea somehow :-l However, close to where I lived as a child were some houses with big gardens and orchards with soft fruits, and fruit trees where we used to go scrumping. We'd then sit in a field on the way home and eat as much as we could because if we took our pickings home we'd be in trouble. It used to feel so daring and exciting!! Oh the joys of being young and carefree
7 Jul, 2008
Good things come to those who wait....
Did you make an apple pie with the apples you got?
25 Oct, 2008
Only one, crumbles the family favourite, well mine really. Can happily eat it any time of the day or night!!
25 Oct, 2008
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My brothers and I were bad to eat them while they were still green, and sprinkle them with salt. Very few made it till they were ripe ! The ripe ones were at the tip ,top of the tree that we couldn't reach. If I were to try that now, I'm sure I would wind up with a belly ache
6 Jul, 2008