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By Suey187


Look whose at the bottom of the garden

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Blimey Suey :-)

11 Mar, 2013


Thats what i thought Surreylad.He or she lives at the farm that owns the fields at the bottom of the my garden.:0)

11 Mar, 2013


thats something different sue :o)

11 Mar, 2013


Is there just the one Sue or a pair , I'm asking because on the main road to Norwich there has always been two in a front field but for a long time there has only been one ,I often wonder what happened to the other one ,the one left by it's self looks lonely :o(

11 Mar, 2013


It was a bit of a shock Sandra to see him standing there.:O).
I think there is just one Amy,he looks lonely too.He was very interested in us.He followed us the other side of the fence watching our every move.He's gone closer to the farm house now,so i havent seen him for a few days.:O).

11 Mar, 2013


I think he should get together with the one up the A47 road here then theywill have each other for company , I don't like them to be lonely :o(

11 Mar, 2013


It is a shame Amy,i think all creatures miss their own kind.I think he really should be in Australia with all his mates.

11 Mar, 2013


What a surprise for Suey I bet you did a double take I think I would have :o)

11 Mar, 2013


I put a photo on here way back a long time ago of the pair together maybe you can recognise yours as being the missing partner :o)

11 Mar, 2013


I'm presuming it's a kiwi? Didn't know people kept them in UK( except perhaps in zoos). I would be astonished if I saw one at the end of my garden, even tho' a big estate nearby does keep some exotic birds & I hear peacocks calling in the mornings.

15 Mar, 2013


That beats the Sparrows in my back garden Suey!

15 Mar, 2013


I was a bit gob smacked Feverfew.Annella i am glad it was at the bottom of the garden and not eating with the sparrows.

16 Mar, 2013


What a wonderful surprise it was among stereotypical flowers! Wasn´t it. Hahaha.

3 Jul, 2013


It was a wonderful surprise,Katarina.Better than any flower I think

4 Jul, 2013

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