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Tete a Tete in The Sunshine

Tete a Tete in The Sunshine

The sun shone on us in Essex today nut still too icy and wet to work so I took some pic's instead!
Hopefully, ok to work tomorrow, fingers crossed!

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daffs always look so cheerful don't they, hope you can get working tomorrow!

13 Mar, 2013


Hope so, Louisa, but it started snowing here 15 minutes ago and still coming down! so windy, though, that I hope it'll dry the ground out.But, we've had snow 5 days running now(only settled 2 of those) so the ground dries a bit then gets wet again!!!!!!! I'll be going down the soup kitchens , at this rate....ha ha!!!!

13 Mar, 2013


That's not good Paul...hope you get some work done soon....give us your address so we can send food parcels ;)

13 Mar, 2013


Ha horse burgers, thanks

13 Mar, 2013 We could do 'shoeboxes' like they do in schools....'shoeboxes for gardeners scheme' ....could work!

13 Mar, 2013


Yes...sounds like a plan..include some Kendall mint cake.I think anyone can survive 3 months on one pack!!!!!!

13 Mar, 2013


Lol! You'd have no teeth left, and probably be diabetic...but otherwise you'd be in 'mint condition' ;)

13 Mar, 2013


Boom boom!!

13 Mar, 2013


Lol! You'll miss me when I'm gone!

14 Mar, 2013


"just call me mellow yellow, mmm, hmm..." B-)

18 Mar, 2013

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