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Mouldy makes classic beginners' mistake No.81...


By Mouldy

Mouldy makes classic beginners' mistake No.81...

The man who sold it assured me it was a green bulb.

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If you can get that to flower it might sell well!

14 Mar, 2013


It's solar-powered...just like the real ones, Sticki and grows into an Xmas tree that pays for itself by Boxing day.
You can recycle it, too! LOL.

14 Mar, 2013


nothing for christmas pays for itself ~ you must have planted a miracle!!!

14 Mar, 2013


Wow, energy saving plant,that is a new one on me''''' Lol

14 Mar, 2013


I was trying to think of an alternative to poinsettias was like a light was switched on. Lol.
Stop groaning this minute, I mean it. x-(

14 Mar, 2013


ha ha ha!!!

14 Mar, 2013


Just back from Lidl's.
Went to buy a winter Clem & Jas, but the store was sent the wrong ones.
To make matters worse it's trying to snow, so that puts paid to my sunbathing plans.

14 Mar, 2013


You will have to go snow bathing instead!!!

what did they send instead of clematis and jasmine?

might call in at Aldi and see what they have on offer!

14 Mar, 2013


Clems, Jas & all the other climbers, but all summer flowering culprits, so I got C. Jackmanii (purple) & another Passiflora. Alata, red. £2 each.

14 Mar, 2013


definitely worth it, hope you also get the winter ones!

14 Mar, 2013


Oh, I will, Sticki.
I'm determined to have colour all year round.
Don't tell my neighbours in the next close, but I plan to expand into their court. They don't know it yet, but they'll be so envious this summer they'll beg me. Lol.
Actually, I've already been sounded out about the idea by a few of them.
None of them want to get their hands dirty, you understand...they just want it to look good.
Told them to wait 'til I've chewed what I've already bitten. Lol.

14 Mar, 2013


At least it wont need light!

14 Mar, 2013


You could always plant something that creeps all by itself into the next court!??

14 Mar, 2013


Russian Vine - today the next court, tomorrow the world

14 Mar, 2013


love it Mouldy... maybe they would sell well at my

18 Mar, 2013


got any green paint ? problem bulb :o))

19 Mar, 2013


Crikey, Bloomer, I was about to give Sandra a job lot & now she wants green ones instead!
Did you mean green colour, or green colour/ecology, if you see what I mean? Lol.

19 Mar, 2013


lol :O) and that is about all these blinking light bulbs are fit for :O) I hate them, they do not give me enough light to sit and do my knitting by. lol. :O) Bring back the old ones. Whoever invented them needs to go back to the drawing board. lol. Rant over ................

19 Mar, 2013


Guess I was just talking out of my ozone-friendly aerosole. LOL!

19 Mar, 2013


Lol,Mouldy..and don't we all sometimes ? ..:o) paint as in least I think that's what I meant ..vaguely !

19 Mar, 2013


Thought you meant the 'green' paint that' eco-friendly & at least double the price of ordinary paint, Bloomer.

19 Mar, 2013


well,if you win the lottery... :o)you do realise I'm only joking.don't you ? I have a strange sense of humour..Lol, warned,some of us tend to go off track sometimes..but it's you will find out,if you stick around :o)


19 Mar, 2013


My worry is that some don't get MY sense of humour, Bloomer, but I've been lucky on Goy, so far.
Doubtless, I'll have to apologise at sometime to one or more people, but it's not my intention to upset, insult or offend anyone, however, I'm old & ugly enough to know that we share this wee ball of earth, hurtling through space, with some folk that are determined to take offence, where none was intended, lol.
And as for going off on a tangent, like I've just done, I 'm only too happy to wander where a conversation takes us.

19 Mar, 2013


GSOH is the key,Mouldy..and it's kept many a blog going on here for a while,about gardening or otherwise..most of us,join in the don't need to apologise for stating your point of just depends on the wording sometimes,as to how it is carry on being you :o)) Have you got snow up there?we have sleety rain..not good ..especially when the bin didn't get put out last night...guess who looked a sorry sight,going out in a big cagoule over dressing gown this morning ?? Lol..

20 Mar, 2013


We're getting a bit of everything, several times a day, bloomer. Something to annoy everyone, lol.
Alas, there's no end in sight.
Was chatting to Bamboo, yesterday, who heard a story that Mt. Etna is spewing out volcanic ash.
If that turns out to be fact we can kiss summer ta-ta & start buying plants that love shade or extra cloud. Lol.
A cagoule? Wot, no wellies to complete the ensemble? :-)

20 Mar, 2013


And no flights to warmer climes

20 Mar, 2013


What is wrong with the internet tonight?
It's doollally.

21 Mar, 2013


Andrew, if I jiggle my touchscreen, I can get you to dance.
It's hilarious.
Well, not actually you, but your photo, you understand.
On a more serious note...I hadn't actually thought about Etna's effect on flights, particularly those around the Med.
And olive oil won't taste nice. (Oo-er). Olive, will you PLEASE stop hitting me. I bruise easily, you beastly girl.
Looks like a bummer-summer!
Still, I can cheer myself up by finding out how many other Goy members I can get to dance.
Why are you all looking at me like that for?

21 Mar, 2013


Don't be daft,Mouldy..slippers are the only way to go,with a dressing gown..anyway,my wellies don't match..gotta have some street cred :o) Volcanic ash eh? mmm,we will see..better there than from Iceland...I don't think Mt Etna will pose a problem for us..and hopefully not for the Sicilians..

21 Mar, 2013


Mouldy you made me laugh, how could I BASH you!!

21 Mar, 2013


Maybe the Scicilians will make it an offer it can't refuse, Bloomer. Lol.
Andrew's right, surcharge, as flights get detoured for those booking late, cancelled flights & so on.
Hasn't stopped you before, Olive.
Oo-ow!! pinching allowed or I'm not playing! Lol.

21 Mar, 2013


Due to inclement weather I'm armchair gardening again, playing catchup on pics, tickled pink by the comments on here..
Olive you are so right these bulbs are CARP and thats an anagram......

25 Mar, 2013


lol :O) most definitely carp Lincs.

25 Mar, 2013


Is that like an angina thingummy, Lincs? =-O

25 Mar, 2013

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