Licuala peltata 'Sumawongii' and Blechnum gibbum (Dwarf Fijian Tree Fern)
By Delonix1

20 Mar, 2013
My Licuala peltata 'Sumawongii' was in my house for a year and hated it! It had always grown outdoors and looked wonderful! Now, it's outdoors to stay. Photo taken Mar. 19, 2013.
Comments on this photo
I love the dwarf Fijian tree fern, also! :>)
It's a very common small tree fern here in San Diego, in shady areas, with lots of water.
20 Mar, 2013
It's my favorite dwarf tree fern! :>)
20 Mar, 2013
I can see why too......
23 Mar, 2013
It's used widely in shady spots. It's a very cheap fern here in San Diego.
23 Mar, 2013
It is isn't it?
20 Mar, 2013