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Bauhinia x blakeana - Hong Kong Orchid Tree Flowers

Bauhinia x blakeana  - Hong Kong Orchid Tree Flowers (Bauhinia x blakeana  - Hong Kong Orchid Tree)

Hong Kong Orchids trees are sterile hybrid trees which need to be grafted or grown from cuttings. They are an extremely common street tree here in San Diego and other areas of Southern California. They bloom from fall to early spring. Photo taken at the entrance of the San Diego Zoo on April 1, 2013.

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Wonderful looking blooms Palmate

3 Apr, 2013



The scent of the flowers are simply wonderful, also! :>)

3 Apr, 2013


Not heard of this one....stunning.

3 Apr, 2013


I have dozens of photos of this tree in bloom posted on GoY. It's a very common street, landscape tree here in San Diego and all of Southern California.

Bauhinia purpurea and alba are in full bloom, also.

3 Apr, 2013



6 Apr, 2013


There's dozens of species of Bauhinia. Most bloom in winter or very early spring...then there's a few which bloom in summer like: Bauhinia forficata, galpinii, tementosa and corymbosa (which blooms spring through fall).

7 Apr, 2013

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This photo is of species Bauhinia x blakeana - Hong Kong Orchid Tree.

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