Just to say thanks to Johnjoe and friends
By Johnjoe

13 Apr, 2013
Just to say thank you Jj, B/A & Val, & others what fun we had. Looking forward to your next cruise trip.
Comments on this photo
Sorry Val, he is not coming.
13 Apr, 2013
Oh YES HE IS. Cor he is lovely, BIG MAN
13 Apr, 2013
You didn't need to include that pic of me in the top right..working my passage,picking up litter ...well,really,Johnjoe..!! I used to like you Lol.
13 Apr, 2013
Love your uniform, Bloomer. ;-)
14 Apr, 2013
High viz jackets are the in thing,Mouldy..and note,I also have the hoodie ! Trend setter or what? Lol.
14 Apr, 2013
Bloomer, you did not no there is no charge to friends, Born/a, and Val should have told you, shame on them,
14 Apr, 2013
now you tell me! no wonder none of you wanted to sit with me at dinner ..but the crew were good fun anyway,especially the tall one in the middle !! Now there's something Val didn't know ..he liked a woman in uniform too :o)))
14 Apr, 2013
Bloomer that is not true, I would always sit with you. (Y)
14 Apr, 2013
Ah bless you,Johnjoe..I can scrub up half decent,if required :o)
14 Apr, 2013
Hang on, Hang on, what's all this, Bloomer I would always sit with you, you can forget that John, you will sit one side of me and BIG BOY the other side, have I made myself quite clear, wait until BA looks at this.
14 Apr, 2013
It's the Firewall white trainers that give you that 'je ne ce qua?' Lol.
14 Apr, 2013
I agree,Mouldy..adds a touch of class ,doesn't it? Such a fashion Icon ! Lol...I think Mrs Beckham would be sooo jealous ..eat your heart out V, I got there first :o)).
14 Apr, 2013
You certainly manage to stir up the mix , Johnjoe .
That Yorks , you'll have to watch her .... hell hath no fury etc .
The Big Man would suit me , so he ought to come along , we'll fight over him then . It looks like Mouldy wants in too !
Bloomer , I love the trendy gear , your disguise is to cover your info gathering , isn't it ?
Come on 'fess up .
14 Apr, 2013
Lol,Driad..you sussed me out ,didn't you? :o) and there was I thinking I was being discreet..I had a hidden camera and a microphone in my dual purpose rubbish picker upper ..you wouldn't believe what I saw and heard. ! ...I'm not going to the tabloids though..I wouldn't do that to my friends..just depends if they are nice to me or not :o))
14 Apr, 2013
Yorky, while youre stuck in between big boy and Jj, Bloomer, Driad and I will be having a lovely time with the rest of the crew ...all 50 of them. So you're welcome to big boy ha! Oh Mouldy, if you're coming .... you can carry our cases:-))
14 Apr, 2013
Hang on Bornagain, you just cant go and be inviting new guests along on our trip with out filling out the appropriate form which can be got from our secretary B/A and sent to be vetted by head of security B/A and second by Yorkshire for approval.
15 Apr, 2013
Firstly ,Johnjoe,you will have to join our former group of TYTS (Trendy YoungThings) to see if our B/A of B/A travel..of which I am a founder member,not just the cleaner..... you need the permission of the board as a whole..if you pass all the criteria of mainly madness,..only then ,will Mouldy and your good self be allowed to join us ..:o) Could you stand the pace ??
15 Apr, 2013
Thanks Bloomer, I am sure TYTS is a wonderful group, especially when you were a founder member, but I would have to say no. I am all ready a member of the UCBOTL club which you might like to be a member!!
15 Apr, 2013
That's telling him Bloomer, good for you:-) Jj, Bloomer would never desert BAT and her experience is invaluable to us, especially with Cliff Richard (yes it was a surprise to us all) so now you see the high calibre of BAT board members. What precisely has UCBOTL (whatever that is)got to offer us old BAT members?:-))
15 Apr, 2013
B/A do you mean Sir Cliff Richard or just plain old Cliff Richard.
15 Apr, 2013
Right once and for all lets sort this out, no Cliff Richard for a start, Driad can come with us o.k. Bloomer I will think about it, if you all start trying to take over the ship JJ BA and me Charter before I know it we will have every member of the GOY team scrambling to get on board, don't for get there are only 50 crew members to go around, no joining any group like TYTS, John is right, anyone that wants to come along will have to fill the form out, the forms can be got via JJ, Driad, excuse me but if you start getting over friendly with the big boy I might just make you walk the plank, got it, now I think that we have it sorted I will go do my hoovering, Thank you.
15 Apr, 2013
I am a little bit disappointed that no one has said how well our officer of fun looks in the photograph. After such a nice time she give us on our last trip.
15 Apr, 2013
I do hope you are not fancying our fun officer John!!!!!
15 Apr, 2013
I'm afraid our 'officer of fun' has had a little accident Yorky and won't be accompanying us on our next cruise. Her cosmetic surgery went a little wrong and, unfortunately, she now looks like Sly Stallones mum, such a shame, hope you're not tooo disappointed Jj :-}
15 Apr, 2013
Whats wrong with you ladies did you not read the nice comment under her photo she said about you B/A and Val, it is nice to be nice.
15 Apr, 2013
sorry John, yes I did read it and appreciated what she said very much, now now Ba I see a sign of jealousy there, now stop being nasty, what has got into you. behave yourself or you might end up being lady over board. what are we going to do with Ba John, I really do despair with her at times.
15 Apr, 2013
Iz you sayin I iz gay, Driad? x-(
15 Apr, 2013
how have we managed to go from a cruise to Gay. !!!!!!
15 Apr, 2013
Driad, sayin I iz wantin to fite ova a guy, Yorks, innit. Lol.
15 Apr, 2013
Driad is very naughty Mouldy. take no notice.
16 Apr, 2013
Firewood. Snigr.
16 Apr, 2013
That Yorks is getting a bit bossy , Jj , and getting out of hand . She needs to concentrate on her house work more !
No Mouldy , all I meant was you might like a cruise in our good company and the lady in the picture , but it sounds like her face lift has come unglued , poor girl .
Ba , Bloomer and I will be busy with the fify crew mind , and sleeping in hammocks might be rather uncomfortable .
16 Apr, 2013
For your information Mouldy, Bloomer used to be a tour guide and was familiar with Cliff Richard among others ...so there8~p Now I have come up with a little job for Mouldy girls, he could be our butler and general dogsbody, after all we wouldn't want the crew over doing things. By the way Driad, Yorky's always been bossy and she was the one who told me about the 'fun officer's' surgery in the first place and told me not to say it was her, she's just creeping round Jj:-)
16 Apr, 2013
Just so long as the grog keeps flowing & nobody approaches me with leg-irons. Lol.
Bagsy the crows nest!
16 Apr, 2013
Val, is that true what B/A said. I would find it hard to believe you wold say that. Mouldy, Ralph and myself spend a lot of time with your binoculars Whale watching from the crows nest, Moulds you are welcome to join us if you like Ralph and myself are very keen wild life watchers. I would not worry about B/A and Driad if last year is anything to go by they will spend a lot of time below deck doing what ? I would be afraid to ask what thay are getting up to . And Yorkshire likes to bring along her upmarket dyson to keep her class A cabin in tip top shape. (Y)
P.S Val, sent you a pm.
17 Apr, 2013
Don't believe anything BA says about me John, boy that woman can make trouble can't she, as for you and Ralph being wildlife watchers that's a laugh, more like bird watching and not the feathered variety, Lol as for BA below deck, I know what she will be doing, playing on her lap top waiting for us all to wait hand and foot on her, when I turn up with my Dyson don't expect me to keep all the cabins upmarket. only mine, I hope Mouldy and Driad enjoy our sailing trip, I say ours as I mean with me, you and BIG BOY. and of course trouble maker BA, Oh and Mouldy don't worry about the Grog, there will be more than enough, the only person who might get leg irons is BA.
17 Apr, 2013
Well I like that (huff) there I was getting rid of the Fun Officer like you said so you could have a clear run at Johnjoe and bigboy (who I know was also more than a little interested in the FO) and you turn on me like a ...a ... like a .... thing that turns on people who are trying to help them. Well, never again my girl, I've got your number now. It's each man for himself, no more namby pamby sisterhood rubbish from now on .......... and I'm going after bigboy too ha! :-}}}}}
17 Apr, 2013
the fun officer would not course me any problems Ba, why you getting all huffy, as for going for BIG Boy forget it, I already have him tagged. I really am disappointed in you and your attitude, time you said sorry to little ole Yorkie my girl, what on earth are the rest of our sailing party going to think of you. anyway where did you get my phone number from I'm ex directory. kiss kiss kiss
17 Apr, 2013
Huh, your charm won't work on me ...viper ... snake in the grass!:-[
17 Apr, 2013
Oh my goodness who got out of bed the wrong side this morning, viper snake in the grass, I like that.
17 Apr, 2013
How you can twist things to make everything my fault is almost admirable, you're just a twisty thing like a thing that twists things ha!:-|
17 Apr, 2013
Now , now girls , don't get overheated .(When theives fall out !)
Let's all sit down with a pint of grog and sing some soothing sea-shanties . I make excellent grog , so we won't run out , and Bloomer and I will conjure up some lovely ship's biscuits . How would that be , eh?
17 Apr, 2013
So you are consigning me to the Galley,are you,Driad ? I don't think I want to be the next Mrs Bridges,waiting on that lot hand and foot..hows about I bring a decent supply of biccies instead? Anyway,I would never get any vitamin D down there..and I need sunshine..probably end up with Rickets or Scurvy..although I do have an EHC card,if I need treatment :o)
17 Apr, 2013
There will be aload of lemons on board , Bloomer .
Don't you start too , I'll help with the comestibles .
(I fear mutiny ahead , Jj .)
17 Apr, 2013
Ah well,if you are sure,Driad..that should keep me fit and healthy,and you could make a lemon drizzle cake !..but I'm sure some will think they are just for their drinkipoos....we need to have a hiding place ! What about the Crows nest ? oh no,looks like that has been spoken for :o)
17 Apr, 2013
What a good idea Driad, I do like Jamaica grog with blackcurrant, and some can, can music for Bloomers as you know she likes to be centre of attention and that grog with plenty of blackcurrant would her give plenty of vitamin D.
18 Apr, 2013
Can can.Johnjoe? Ralphie is noted for good legs..you aint ever going to see mine !..I can still kick though..to about shin height :o)) Lol.
18 Apr, 2013
you can get your leg higher than me then Bloomer. Lol
18 Apr, 2013
Lol Val,you can go for the ankles then..:o))
18 Apr, 2013
We could manage a hornpipe I'm sure girls .
Mouldy is threatening to lurk in the Crow's Nest , you're right , Bloomer , so we'll secret the grog in the galley .
18 Apr, 2013
If Mouldy's in the crows nest, I'm not doing my high kicks and that's final! Now look here Bloomers.... just how many of you are there? Now as for Driad ...it's limes we need for the trip, I know I'm a bit of a traditionalist, but it is where we got our nick name. I have some limes in my fridge at the moment, but some have gone mouldy ....Mouldy? where have I heard that name name before? Do you think he's been in my fridge? :-)
19 Apr, 2013
So long as we have the necessary to go with the tonic and the limes/lemons it does not matter , Ba . ( We need to keep scurvy at bay .)
Mouldy has gone very quiet , he's probably stuck in the Crow's Nest with a cask of grog .
20 Apr, 2013
Mouldy wonders how long it will take the motley crew to notice the hanging baskets he's hung from the crow's nest.
Leaning out, he can see them far below.
Mellow with grog & blackcurrant he decides, magnaminiously, to forgive BA & Driad for their transgressions.
He removes his eyepatch to hear better & resolves to give the ship's biscuits a wide berth.
Weevils? Not for Mouldy.
20 Apr, 2013
Ah there you are Mouldy .....have you been in my fridge?>:-[
20 Apr, 2013
Not me, BA.
Can't stand lime. YUK!!!
20 Apr, 2013
Me neither,Mouldy..can I share your blackcurrant? if not,I like Lemon..oh,and watch out for Carole (pansy potter) and I next week..we might be in the Crows nest on The Victory in Portsmouth ,or dangling from the Spinnaker tower ! The latter might not be from choice..just depends if our 0H's are fed up of us .Lol....I'm going to look out for Val's big boy,or Sylvesters Stallones mother ! :o))
21 Apr, 2013
I went to Portsmouth once Sandra, to a 'toxic waste' conference, so never got to see anything:-( Still, I'm looking forward to your pics of Victory, especially the birds eye view from the crows nest ......just a thought ...I wonder if that's how Cap'n Birdseye got his name? Now Sandra, let me give you some advice as a woman of the World (WOW) .... keedon't pin your hopes on big boy ..... he'd be more likely to fancy Mouldy ....no that's silly ....I mean your OH's than fall for your feminine wiles I'm afraid, but don't tell Yorky .... anyway she's off gallivanting in the sun (and didn't invite me) so she's out of the picture for a while. On the Cap'n Birdseye theme ...we should think of a name for Mouldy such as Cabinboy Dogsbody and name the ships biscuits after him, whadya think? It's this sort of genius that enabled me to build the B.A. Empire:-))
21 Apr, 2013
Only you could end up viewing a toxic waste site,WOW..! like your new Moniker,by the way..:o) I had forgotten Yorky was going away to warmer climes..I'm sure she will find a beachcomber or similar..maybe even a 'lucky,lucky' man..not for him though ! :o))
Poor Mouldy..he is getting some stick lately..but I have a feeling he has broad shoulders,or else he wouldn't keep coming back for more....can't think of a suitable name for a biscuit,..nearest i can get is that instrumental called Mouldy old dough....near enough? Lol...
21 Apr, 2013
Lol Bloomer, have you changed back to your civvies by the way? I never even noticed you in the background there, but laughed out loud when you pointed it out. See what a great spy you make. Still makes me laugh when I look at the pic:-))
21 Apr, 2013
Perhaps we should better look out for Captain Pugwash ?
In a beautiful pea-green boat ? Is that where Yorks has gone ?
Has Mouldy got a cat o'nine tails hidden up in the Crow's Nest , whilst he is pretending to tend the hanging baskets ?
There are more questions than answers emerging , it will not end up being the last voyage of the Marie Celest surely .
21 Apr, 2013
You will never be a Miss Marple,Ba..and no,you cheeky devil..those ARE my civvies..I shall be travelling in them tomorrow,but sadly they won't let me take the binbag,so what I am going to put my party outfits in,I don't know..I am allowed to take the stick :o)) x
21 Apr, 2013
You look lovely in them Bloomer, sorry you work for such a mean company though, still with the stick you'll be able to poke people who annoy you lol:-)
21 Apr, 2013
Driad, have you been at the grog again? Calm down, we're just cruising around the Bermuda triangle ...don't forget to bring your bikini:-))
21 Apr, 2013
Mouldy lowers the blackcurrant to Bloomer & considers whether to make BA walk the plank or to keelhaul her. ;-)
22 Apr, 2013
Ha you'd have to catch me first ...I'm feeling fit as a fiddle after completing the London marathon in record time:-)
22 Apr, 2013
Well done you!!!
Did a few half marathons, way back.
As for catching you...what do you think billhooks & nets are for?! Snigr.
23 Apr, 2013
Erm ... to put bills on? and erm ... keep hair in place?:-)
23 Apr, 2013
Avast big thing on the starboard bow.
No, hang on, it's a Klingon, or giant whelk in nautical terms.
(Mouldy contemplates his navel)
23 Apr, 2013
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Wow John, he's a big fellow in the middle, put my name on him for our cruise please, Oh dear looks like BA and Driad have missed out again, I got in first,
13 Apr, 2013