Trillium recurvatum - 2013
By Andrewr

15 Apr, 2013
Comments on this photo
Very unusual.
Are the centres purple, too, Andrew?
22 Apr, 2013
I found a few small shoots in an almost forgotten pot yesterday - it's about thime those particular Trilliums showed themselves, it's only three years since I got them! I can't even remember which ones they are, but I hope they grow to look like yours.
22 Apr, 2013
Mouldy - yes, they are
Spritz - this one is always the first in flower for me, some of my others aren't even starting to shoot yet
22 Apr, 2013
Thanks Andrew!
23 Apr, 2013
I saw these at Wisley a while ago, en masse. They looked amazing! I suspect mine aren't the same, sadly.
23 Apr, 2013
How so, Spritz?
23 Apr, 2013
Because last year I had flowers on two and they were underneath the leaves, not on top. My own fault for not ordering the right ones!
25 Apr, 2013
Oh, c'mon, you can't lie down with a dog & not expect fleas! LOL.
26 Apr, 2013
Ah - hadn't realised that Trillums were antipodean. That explains it! LOL.
27 Apr, 2013
They're not Australian - most of them come from North America. This one comes from central and Eastern USA (see wikipaedia)
27 Apr, 2013
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looks fantastic
15 Apr, 2013