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Daylily cross - Optical Art x Reflections In Time

Daylily cross - Optical Art x Reflections In Time

Blue and red banded eye, gold self

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Love it :-)

19 Apr, 2013


I thought it was a different colour combination than most. You are going to see several this year with patterned eyes.

20 Apr, 2013


Yes agree it is a bit different :-), the colour bandings lovely, nice edge too.
Looking forward to all your pictures Wylie :-)
My daylilies are actually perking up now, they've looked so sorry for themselves, even 'Navajo Princess'which I thought I'd lost has sprouted new leaves,( only found out recently that its not one for colder gardens), last years seedlings are growing well to so off to plant some more on the allotment this afternoon :-)

20 Apr, 2013


What beautiful colours of the rainbow in that eyezone!

23 Apr, 2013


Thanks - I have a second seedling of this cross that is very similar, but a little smaller.

24 Apr, 2013

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