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A. Wild Swan for Spritz:-)

A. Wild Swan for Spritz:-)

Look, I think I can see flowers!:-)

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Great news! :-)) I shall phone them tomorrow. Was it a I litre pot you got?

21 Apr, 2013


There was only one size available Spritz, not very good on knowing litres lol:-)

21 Apr, 2013


The website says there are two sizes. I'll find out when I phone them.

21 Apr, 2013


Well then, I'd have bought the biggest. I can't find the thingummy ...I know it's around somewhere ....ah here it is ... doesn't say what size, but they cost £6.50 each if that helps? :-)

22 Apr, 2013


Well, you didn't then - there's a bigger size. I've sent you a pm.

22 Apr, 2013


Typical! I ordered mine last year :-(

23 Apr, 2013


You could always order another two? ;-)

24 Apr, 2013


You're off again:-)

24 Apr, 2013



25 Apr, 2013


Love these but you need more than one, I dont think this one spreads very much.

26 Apr, 2013


We both bought two. :-D)

27 Apr, 2013


I'm going to plant them in next couple of days. I left them out last night, but frost has been forecast for tonight, so I'll bring them in:-))

27 Apr, 2013


Mine arrived this morning, and I've planted them. :-))

30 Apr, 2013


Gosh, there's no holding you now, were you pleased with them? I've managed to do quite a lot of weeding and chopping and shifting things. Even thrown stuff away ...becoming ruthless:-)) Those geraniums and astrantia from Bluebell Nurseries were good, haven't decided where to put them yet ...isn't it exciting:-))

30 Apr, 2013


To be honest, I thought the pots looked the same size as yours! Never mind - they're good plants. :-) Three of the violas are in flower - I'll post a photo.

I'm still pulling out plants that didnt like being drowned, I'm afraid. I'm trying to be ruthless too. Which geraniums did you get?

1 May, 2013


Orkney Cherry, bronze leaves, flowers for ever, low growing, brazen pink, colour should go with lophomyrtus I hope:-)

1 May, 2013


Well, that's one I haven't got! :-Z

2 May, 2013


Ha ha... my preciouses:-))

2 May, 2013


How is your Lophomyrtus? P.S. I shall keep my eyes open for Orkney Cherry now, you do realise?

3 May, 2013


They're sold out everywhere Spritz, I've looked to save you the bother :-)))))
Lophomyrtus (lophomyrti ?:-)) are fine. One is a slightly different colour from the other as it was kept more sheltered and is still in its pot. The one in the ground is fine. Isn't the weather brilliant:-)))

3 May, 2013


Not today, sadly. It clouded over yesterday and it's a grey damp start this morning. Not enough rain to help the garden, just enough to be irritating.

4 May, 2013


Do you ever stop moaning? You want more rain? Now I've heard everything:-)))) I think the weekend is supposed to be nice ...i.e. not much rain and lots of sun, perhaps you would prefer the reverse?:-))) I've made a start with my power washer, had many panic attacks 'til I mastered it, what a difference it's made, and it . My ground is still rather damp in parts still, so I only have to water pots:-))

4 May, 2013


I wasn't moaning, honest! I've had enough rain in the last few months to last a lifetime as you well know.... The hose is quite sufficient, thanks. I'm surprised your garden is still damp though. Is the pressure washer for watering plants? I had one, but it won't pump up - I might consider getting another one - it was useful in the greenhouse.

5 May, 2013


No Barbara, I only have a small garden which in July 2010 (I put blogs on if you're interested) was 'madeover' and there is now no lawn. I have even more borders though:-)) It was a quagmire in the winter, even the dogs didn't like to go on it Unfortunately, Indian sandstone discolours with lichen, algae etc as it's natural and porous ..... hence power washer. It can be used on pots and bricks and apparently clears drains too. It's effect on the slabs is amazing, but hard work, I'm having to do it in phases lol. At least it only needs cleaning once a year or so. Have a good weekend:-)

5 May, 2013


I've been tring to find out which nurseries will be at the Malvern show, no luck so far ....still haven't decided whether to go or not :-)

5 May, 2013


I don't think I'll be going. My chauffeuse has lost her gardening mojo and OH is not interested. Boo hoo!

I'm trying to persuade him to take me to Hampton Court in July - it was such a wonderful experience last year. :-)

P.S. yes, I knew you had a small garden - just wondered about hanging baskets and ex-pump thingy was really useful.

6 May, 2013

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