Hydrangea 'Petiolaris'
By Motinot
- 6 May, 2013
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They like a bit of shade, don't they Janey?....This gets a bit of sun in the morning....shaded the rest of the day...This is its 3rd year flowering...I had it for about 6 years before it flowered...:>)
6 May, 2013
Yes I think they do...but then I've seen them in full sun covered in blooms too. I could do with pruning a tree which is near mine.....
6 May, 2013
Can these be pruned Janey?....It has come away from its support, would like to prune it later if possible...:>)
6 May, 2013
Oh....Thanks for that...:>)
10 May, 2013
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This is looking good.......lots of flowers to come there. Pleased to see a few on mine. though it is in the deepest shade.
6 May, 2013