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white rhododendron

white rhododendron

Name unknown

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Klahanie, you have collection of rhododendrons and azaleas like a botanic garden. ;-)

7 May, 2013


When we moved to this property there were numerous rhododendrons Katarina and I introduced some more. Yes we have at least 20 if not more.

8 May, 2013


I think rhodies are growing well in seashore areas. In the Continent they grow better in mountains, where there is colder and higher air humidity.
Do you have some of them which is 2 metres high or bigger?

8 May, 2013


Yes Katarina ,several. This white one is one of them for example.
I will post picture for you. It blooms right now.
We have a pink one which is probably more than 3 meters tall but it does not bloom yet. It is the latest (june) blooming rhododendron we have.
Couple of them died on me in recent not know why and one is so overgrown that I will have to do something drastic to it.
Pacific North west (the coastal area of Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia ) have perfect climate for growing rhododendrons.

Do you have any other rhododendron besides the Horizon Monarch?

8 May, 2013


I have azalea Feuerwerk, just uploaded photo of azalea "Yellow Sunset" and several small azaleas (Princess Ann, Purpurtraum, Vuyk´s Scarlet). I have also larger rhododendrons "Nova Zembla", Grandiflora (white and blue). Recently I bought Albert Schweitzer rhodie (Caucasicum group).
I had also beautiful Cunningham White for 15 years, but it died last year on "die back" disease.

8 May, 2013


I cannot grow many azaleas because of the deers around and I have to spray them (azaleas) with some "stinky" substance to deter them.
I just googled 'Albert Schweitzer ' rhododendron and I think it is beautiful. I do not remember to see it around here. I would like to buy some with good genes and impressive statue for the prominent spot where the dead is right now. It is very visible spot on our property so I will need something which grows fast.

8 May, 2013


And I forgot on Mrs Lewinski - that is wonderful rhodie. Large, strong, with lot of great flowers. Unfortunately this year I noticed much less buds, probably because of a bad previous year, which was generally harmful for rhodies.

8 May, 2013


I think, you are right with Albert S.

8 May, 2013

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