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Tulip : Queen Of The Night


By Naoto

Tulip : Queen Of The Night (Tulipa acuminata (Tulip))

They've flowered this year.....but I'm sure the size of the flowers are getting smaller year after year.....

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They do look smaller, but lovely colour :o)

9 May, 2013


.....and they're becoming leggier and leggier. I'll need some plant supports for that.

9 May, 2013


Maybe leggier this year because of the dull weather..
reaching for the light ?

9 May, 2013


Thank you for the name. I have them, too.

9 May, 2013


Thanks for the comments, guys!

They're in the pots and placed in an open sunny position but still leggy.....perhaps it's time to say good-bye???? (I've been having these for 4 years now)

10 May, 2013


This is the advice from the RHS site
'To promote good flowering next year, feed the bulbs every seven to ten days with a high-potassium fertiliser such as a liquid tomato feed. Begin feeding as soon as shoots appear, and stop feeding once the foliage starts to die down at the end of the season'
You don't say if you feed or not but maybe you should feed them from now on. Moongrower recommended half strength tomato food. Once the foliage has died down leave them somewhere out of the way and then repot in fresh compost in the late autumn. The flowers for next year are developed in the bulb as this years foliage dies off. It would be a shame to throw them away before checking if feeding works.

10 May, 2013

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