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A while ago, suffering from delusions of grandeur, I bought a pair of urns. Nearly discombobulated myself moving it from pallet to little circle garden and dreamed of a summer with begonias tumbling from it and clematis growing up the trellis behind it and to the side. Begonias eventually arrived, far too big for their cells and just about impossible to handle. Anyway, I did my best and added white bocopa. Weather turned nasty cold and gales and who knows what else may be thrown at these babies, so in desperation I rigged up this protection using 4 sheets of bubble wrap and wire. The hammer is holding one side of the flap down. Now fingers crossed X :-)

Comments on this photo


Oooooh I love that urn........I get very bad pot envy Lol! I hope it works Ba and that it doesn't have to stay on too long ;O))

14 May, 2013


lovely urn BA, sick of rain already, will look great if we get a summer :o))

14 May, 2013


Very wise to give them some protection from the elements! Here it is hammering down yet again and a gale is also blowing. Many plants are now back in the greenhouse - poor things!

14 May, 2013


That is a lovely area Ba,and the Urn looks nice there..all my plants are still under cover..hope yours do ok,in the elements..the way things are going,my growhouses might have to be the setting for mine !..

15 May, 2013


Hi Annella, I bought a pair off ebay, they weigh a ton and I don't know where to put the other lol. They were (only?) £125 for the two, if I remember rightly, and I can't have a holiday this year .... so .....:-)))

15 May, 2013


Lol Sandra, I'm hoping that as we had a rather nice spring last year and awful summer.... this summer will be glorious:-)))

15 May, 2013


Hi Chris, isn't the weather awful:-( If the begonias had not been so over-advanced and therefore difficult to handle without the brittle juicy stems just breaking off, I wouldn't have attempted to put them in the urn. The wind seems to have dropped here now, but still flippin raining:-)

15 May, 2013


Yes Ba,let's be positive! Lol..did I mention all my trailing begonias rotted with the rain last year? ...just saying :o)
I'm sure yours will be wonderful ! keep smiling luv,xx

15 May, 2013


It looks a lovely corner Ba, I'm sure everything will come right for you....and why shouldn't you have delusions of grandeur!!! :-)))))

15 May, 2013


Lol Gralew I'm waiting for Lady Ba to answer that one!

15 May, 2013


Having a mad fit, I ordered some coleus, no idea why.... any way, one has just died:-( Bloomer, most mine are still in the porch and two hanging baskets suspended from joists in the garage (hope the garage roof doesn't come down) You've really cheered me up with your heartwarming tale of rotting begonias lol, something else to look forward too:-))

15 May, 2013


Ha no reason at all Gralew ....ahem ...I no longer call it the garden I stroll around the grounds only takes a couple of minutes though:-)

15 May, 2013


Annella ....get back to work:-))

15 May, 2013



15 May, 2013


Good evening lady BA didn`t I say how wonderful they would fit into your estate, but I thought they were for cooling the champagne.
Back to reality hope your plants survive in their new home with all the protection your providing, keep the covers on they have snow in shropshire so we don`t know whats going to be thrown at us next.

15 May, 2013


Wonderful Urn Ba. I'm envious , your corner will look very romantic when it's in bloom , it will happen ! notice I'm not promising anything about the weather , never mind the holiday you will enjoy your Urns forever the holiday might have been a washout anyway !

17 May, 2013


Hi Phyl, I will take you on the grand tour one day lol:-)

18 May, 2013


That's what I want Amy, a sort of romantic bower effect and fantastic perfume from the honeysuckles twined with clems aaah:-))

18 May, 2013


I didn't know BA was called Lady BA... wow.. i feel like downtown abbeys cast... ;)

14 Jun, 2013


Lol Kaustubh, you never know who you bump into on here:-)))

14 Jun, 2013


Yes lady BA.. I recognize the fact now.. Btw I love the trellis and the urn... Great picks lady BA.

15 Jun, 2013


Thanks Kaustubh, I haven't been on here for a while as my modem needed to be repaced:-)

17 Jun, 2013

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