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Fragaria chiloensis - 2013


By Andrewr

Fragaria chiloensis - 2013 (Fragaria chiloensis)

Strawberry relative, grown for its white flowers. I've found this one needs good drainage to come through the winter. but is otherwise easy to please

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I had something similar to this as a house plant many years ago..I put it in a strawberry pot and it sent runners everywhere. does it produce berries...are they edible?

23 May, 2013


the houseplant never bloomed...just produced many runners.

23 May, 2013


Lori - yes, they do produce small fruit, but they're bland and have no taste to speak of. All the ornamental varieties are bred for their flowers, not the taste of their fruit

23 May, 2013


i have a small knoll near the front door which is covered with the wild strawberries...they are very small, not extremely sweet..but they have great strawberry flavour! They are a pretty ground cover at present...soon I will have to battle the robins for the fruit!

24 May, 2013

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