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The start of something...we hope!

The start of something...we hope!

The top of the half of the garden I call the woodland area behind the greenhouse and arches. I wonder if these arches will be covered by August...I think they might!

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A pure delight, you should be proud....

16 May, 2013


Oh, thanks so much. I am really pleased with it already. It's wonderful to watch it mature as each year comes. This is the seventh year now!

16 May, 2013


Sorry, eighth! Lol

16 May, 2013


Such perfection Karen...I love it!!!

16 May, 2013


It is looking amazing Karen, so pretty and you are, at last, 'losing' the houses over the back there, it looks really different now. I really love those arches in green what a difference, good work.

17 May, 2013


Thanks Mum. If only the trees could get going, we wouldn't feel nearly so overlooked. But my poor only has half a dozen buds on it, and the Cornus Mas....well, sigh, it looks like it's really struggling after losing all it's flower buds to frost. And then theres the cotoneasters that I rely on for evergreen....and they lost all their leaves in March very very bare right now. Only the Rowans and the Odd bit of Eucalyptus and new leaves on the birches (but they don't exactly hide anything do they?). Still, in a couple of months I will have forgotten all about it....I hope!!

17 May, 2013


That's a lovely photo Karen. I agree about the green arches, good choice and they will be covered soon :o)

17 May, 2013


Glad you all like it. Thanks for your lovely comments. I'll put up another pic of the arches when the Laburnum comes in to flower. Hopefully the Rose 'Canary Bird' will be in flower at the same time, and possibly the Solanum too. They are all full of buds now. The yellow evergreen Jasmine revolutum 'humile' on the other side was very badly scorched in March, but it is also growing away well again at last.

17 May, 2013


very good karen.

17 May, 2013


Lovely view of the garden.

17 May, 2013


Beautiful garden as usual! Love it!

17 May, 2013

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