The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Middle of the garden looking up towards the new arbour seat

Middle of the garden looking up towards the new arbour seat

Oh what a beautiful day, all day, sunshine and big white clouds so nice.

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And what a beautiful garden too!

3 Jun, 2013


thank you Michaella, it has been a lovely weekend and more sunshine forecast for the week. YAY!!!!!!!!!

3 Jun, 2013


SO pretty!

3 Jun, 2013


It is great when people appreciate all your hard work, thank you so much Melchi. :O) off out there this morning to trim the grass paths hope it keeps sunny for the rest of the country so that everyone can get outside and enjoy. :O)

4 Jun, 2013


Well - first thing in the morning here it is beautiful. I'll be outside most of today by the look of it. It's what we've all been waiting for, so let's hope it's pretty general.

4 Jun, 2013


glorious day, the dog thinks it is too hot, he keeps looking for shade, in fact he came inside this morning and I found him fast asleep on my bed, the coolest room in the house. lol :O)

4 Jun, 2013

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