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What have I imported now ?


By Bjs

What have I imported now ?

Have found 5 of these in the last week not as red as a lily beetle but twice the size,googled it but drew a blank .Help

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Ugggh hope they dont migrate to my garden!

11 Jun, 2013


What is it? Looks like lily beetle, but that has black head. This one has red.

12 Jun, 2013


I have got it. It is Cardinal Beetle.
Have a look on this, Brian:

12 Jun, 2013


yes certainly looks like cardinal beetle, they are supposed to help us in the garden not had any in mine only that dreaded lily beetle.

12 Jun, 2013


Yes, quite similar to my soldier beetles. I didn't see any last year, but am pleased to say they are back!

12 Jun, 2013


Cardinal Beetle it undoubtedly is,makes a change to have something move in that is not going to devour all my plants, thanks everyone for your help.

12 Jun, 2013


I found one of these on a Solanum at the weekend, sorry to say that it was squished in my shredder......will be more careful with them in future

12 Jun, 2013


It is always useful to know friend from foe. Will try to remember that one.

12 Jun, 2013


Must say that's a bonus Brian, send some my way ;-) i need help with the insects here...

30 Jun, 2013


Slad tell me about it slugs and snails by the thousands, lily beetle and now I am finding Vine weevil, these I had not seen for several years and the grubs are showing up in things I don't associate them with ie Hostas and Alliums to name but two.

30 Jun, 2013


Blimey Brian sounds bad, mine is slugs and snails as usual but I've been inundated with blackfly.

30 Jun, 2013


Same here, Surrey.
I've been crushing a couple of garlic bulbs & letting them steep in a bucket of water for a few days, then applying that to everything every few days.
It seems to work on the flies.
I've downloaded this photo directly to my phone.
So much to remember.

9 Jul, 2013

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