A Bonsai from another gardening blog.. just sharing..
- 17 Jun, 2013
This isnt mine.. :)
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Hey PL99 i found out finally after a great deal of research.. its an Adenium arabicum bonsai.. commonly known as desert rose. Apparently its a very easu bonsai plant.
20 Jun, 2013
20 Jun, 2013
Thanks for finding out what it is K. Its kinda nice, in a weird way! lol
20 Jun, 2013
It is isnt't it... i also found out that its a very common plant in central America and grows wild. apprently it can develop a stem like that without much effort and time.
21 Jun, 2013
That's an incredible plant! Adenium species are such gorgeous blooming plants. I have Adenium obesum, which has been in full bloom for the last month or so and a very young arabicum which has a few flowers. I used to have more Adenium species. Two died in winter of 2011/2012 (maybe from over watering) as it was such a hot winter and I think I may have given them too much water.
Here's some of my Adenium photos:
21 Jun, 2013
VEry pretty i must say... i dont have any in my house but my parents have a very old Adenium which is almost 15 now and blooms profusely...
24 Jun, 2013
I just posted a new photo yesterday.
I love Adenium species. They bloom so well and very young. Of course, the larger the plant the more spectacular the flowering.
25 Jun, 2013
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Yes K, I can see why you were fascinated by it. Do you know what it is?
18 Jun, 2013