Fuschia Black Cherry

24 Jun, 2013
Not a great fan of Fuschias, but this one that Julie selected for one of our summer pots has grown on me a little!
Comments on this photo
Ha ha...I think my problem with them is that my mum had nothing but Fuschias in the 70's and they were very fashopionable.Put me off them for life, I think! Although I tolerate them in pots or hanging baskets!
24 Jun, 2013
I can understand that, if I find out something is fashionable it puts me off it!lol
24 Jun, 2013
A fine specimen there Paul,I like the colour combination and I like Fuschias very much.
24 Jun, 2013
very nicely formed. never grown them or had in my garden. wonderful plant indeed.
24 Jun, 2013
stunning fuchsia:))))
25 Jun, 2013
What a beautiful fuchsia, would love a cutting off it.
I used to grow fuchsias in my green house, had around 300 until the hurricane in 1989 took my greenhouse and plants with it. We found plants in gardens streets away, sadly I lost a lot of them, it took us weeks to get the greenhouse rebuilt. I have never really grown them since, not to the same extent. I do have some in the troughs and hanging baskets and a couple of hardy ones in the garden itself.
I take cuttings most years.
25 Jun, 2013
This is not a hardy one so would need to be inside in winter.I'd be happy to send cuttings but don't know if they'd be viable by the time they'd gone through the post and detached from the plant for days!
25 Jun, 2013
luv the colours i have 3 growing in pots and trying to turn one into a standard its getting there slowly
30 Jun, 2013
Yes, I've never had the patience to do that but Fuschias do make a lovely standard plant!
30 Jun, 2013
I was going to ask if it was hardy, but got the answer I didn't want, Paul. Lol.
It looks very like one DD2 grew, but she wasn't sure of it's name.
I'm certain this beauty & her's are one & the same.
Glasgow & Mouldy's loss, sadly.
1 Sep, 2013
I'm gonna try keep it over winter in my potting shed MouldY.
2 Sep, 2013
(Mouldy daydreams of sheds & greenhouses & acres of land). Lol.
2 Sep, 2013
We can all dream!
2 Sep, 2013
If I had a penny, never mind a pound, for every daydream I've ever had I'd be a billionaire. :-)
2 Sep, 2013
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Very pretty! I keep changing my mind about fuschias. I think I've come to the conclusion that I love them in other people's gardens, but am not all that much of a fan of growing them.
24 Jun, 2013