front garden please HELP!!!
By Humbles

25 Jun, 2013
This is my front garden had loads of weeds and bit tree in the middle I will get the root out fully tomorrow but have no idea what so ever on how to make this a eye catching front garden please help me with ideas.
Comments on this photo
Can I suggest you draw out the plot on a piece of paper then look at some shrubs and plants and scribble them in with coloured pencils or paints just to get an idea. That's what I did with our garden when we started from scratch. It's just to get an idea, you don't have to be an artist to do it. Put in a path or two, straight or curved and as Paul suggested sleepers to divide the two different levels of garden. The bit of garden closest could be straightened out and patio slabs put on it, then you could have some plants in various sized and shaped pots.
2 Jul, 2013
Obviously would be difficult to mow, being on such a slope, so lawn is probably not a good idea! you could look on GOYpedia. I'm sure their are ideas for sloping gardens!
Just an idea(go to bottom of page, click on S and then go to sloping gardens and click)
...............what about some palm( Cordyline)and some shrubs underneath.The Palms will be seen above the high wall and the shade caused by the wall won't be a problem.....if you like lawn, u could have a small area of artificial grass at the bottom end!
The log roll could,perhaps , be replaced by sleepers to create a terrace effect and maybe some steps made from sleepers! I'm getting carried away now!!!!
25 Jun, 2013