Lytocaryum weddellianum - Miniature Coconut Palm
By Delonix1
- 26 Jun, 2013
One of my favorite dwarf palms! It grow very slowly to around 15ft (4.6m) tall. This one is growing in the huge lath-house known as the Botanical Building in Balboa Park, San Diego, CA. Photo taken June 25, 2013.
Comments on this photo
It's a pretty rare palm; however, it's a tough one. It does well in the SF Bay Area.
11 Sep, 2014
Pictures by Delonix1
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This photo is of species Lytocaryum weddellianum - Miniature Coconut Palm.
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You never see them for sale. BUT, the one at the Oakland Palmetum has been there for years. A more graceful Phoenix roebellini.
10 Sep, 2014