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Brugmansia 'Jamiaca Yellow' - Angel's Trumpets

Brugmansia 'Jamiaca Yellow' - Angel's Trumpets (Brugmansia 'Jamiaca Yellow' - Angel's Trumpets)

My small Angel's trumpet was in full bloom a couple of days ago. Photo taken July 7, 2013.

Comments on this photo


Great photo (and plant) Delonix

8 Jul, 2013


Thanks! This plant should be 20ft (6m) tall by now. It has stayed small because of the root competition from the large Jacaranda tree to the right of it.

8 Jul, 2013

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Pictures by Delonix1
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This photo is of species Brugmansia 'Jamiaca Yellow' - Angel's Trumpets.

See who else has plants in genus Brugmansia.

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