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Raised bed

Raised bed

Raised veg bed with anti-cat string. It was stapled in place and our 3 cats didn't even go near.

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Good idea :-)

9 Jul, 2008


Great pic.

Hope the wily cats don't learn to hurdle, that might make the next olympics, cat hurdling.
Or cat hurling, but I'm not into that. My cat gets enough grief from the local squirrel.

I'm changing my plot around a little bit at the moment, and will be employing your techniques.
Thank you.

15 Jul, 2008


I am currently upgrading my garden, installing a green house and raising the beds for ease of use. Hadn't even thought of the cats! Will deffinately try the string trick.
For slugs I am going to secure copper wire around the top of the wooden boards (apparently they won't cross it). Then treat the soil within the beds.

25 Nov, 2008


hope you dont mind but i have used your idea on our raised beds hope it works ,thanks for the tip as there are a few cats come on the allotment.

10 Oct, 2009


brilliant idea thanks xxx

new to this and hadn't even thought about having to keep my 2 cats off the veggie beds

thanks xx

26 Jan, 2010


kimmy i also put sharp twigs on some beds to keep cats off or they just use it as a litter tray..

29 Jan, 2010

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